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- 2014 iGEM Project
- 2017 experiments
- Alternative fats
- Alternative sugars
- Attempt SDS Page and also mini prep to confirm that yeast transformations worked
- Bacterial cultures
- Bureaucracy
- Bylaws
- CLONE 082514 humKappaCasein(Kex+)
- CR 062214 humanKappaCasein 001
- CR 082514 humKappaCasein(Kex+)
- Checked for colony growth in 03Nov2014 streak plates. Result: Yes
- Checking for contamination in yeast strains, media, water, and lab surfaces 06Oct2014
- Cheese and Migranes
- Cheese cave
- Cheese making
- Cheese making/Experiment 1
- Cheese making/Experiment 2
- Cheese making/Experiment 3
- Chymosin
- Cloning 7 casein gBlocks, 12Sep2014 and on
- Cloning bovine beta casein, Fam20C (Kex + & -), from 27Sep2014
- Cloning human alpha casein S1, 04Oct2014 and on
- Cloning strategy
- DNA Handling
- Educational Videos
- Electra cloning of
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications
- Existing vegan cheeses
- Experiment to determine whether yeast is contaminated and to salvage strain using 5FOA, 23Oct2014
- Experiments started January 2016
- External communications
- Finances
- GBlock Design for Casein and FAM20C Kinase Genes
- GBlock design
- Growth Curve Experiment
- Health effects: allergy and cancer link
- Here
- How to take notes and record data
- IGEM Attributions
- IGEM Judging Feedback
- IGEM Modeling
- IGEM Official Team Profile
- IGEM Parts
- IGEM Poster & Presentation
- IGEM Project
- IGEM Team
- IGEM cloning team meeting notes 8/05/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/16/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/18/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/2/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/23/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/25/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/30/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 6/9/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 7/14/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 7/20/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 7/28/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 7/7/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 8/11/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 8/18/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 8/25/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 8/4/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 9/1/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 9/15/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 9/29/14
- IGEM team meeting nodes 9/8/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 1/5/15
- IGEM team meeting notes 10/06/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 10/13/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 10/20/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 10/27/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 11/10/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 11/17/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 11/24/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 11/3/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 12/1/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 12/15/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 12/22/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 12/8/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 3/24/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 3/31/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 4/21/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 4/28/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 5/06/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 5/12/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 5/19/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 5/26/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/16/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/18/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/2/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/23/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/25/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/30/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 6/9/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 7/14/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 7/20/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 7/28/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 7/7/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 8/11/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 8/18/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 8/25/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 8/4/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 9/1/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 9/15/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 9/29/14
- IGEM team meeting notes 9/8/14
- IndieGogo RVC Page
- Initial studies of yeast strains' growth conditions and troubleshooting
- Introductory textbook
- January2016/Experimental design
- January2016/Plasmid design
- Life Cycle Assessments and Techno-Economic Analyses
- Link
- Live streaming
- Mailing lists
- Making liquid cultures, in duplicate, of bovine Alpha S1 and bovine Beta B transformed yeast colonies.
- Media
- Microbiology
- Microwaving agar
- Molecular Experiments
- Molecular biology
- Narwhal Cheese
- New 5 FOA Plates and prepare media
- Notebook
- Phosphorylation and glycosylation of caseins
- Plasmid design
- Plating URA- and Turbo Yeast Control
- Plating URA- and turbo Yeast Control
- Presenting
- Product viability
- Protease problems
- Protein purification
- Quantified IDT DNA (human kappa casein kex-) sample on nanodrop spectrophotometer to verify that the resuspension back in September worked.
- Quantified IDT DNA (human kappa casein kex-) sample on nanodrop spectrophotometer to verify that the resuspension back in September worked. Checked for colony growth in 03Nov2014 streak plates.
- Questions and Answers
- Raw Experimental Notes June 2016
- Real Vegan Cheese
- Real Vegan Cheese Notebook Documentation Guidelines
- Real Vegan Cheese Notebook Training Sign-off
- References on casein electrophoresis
- Repeat Midipreps to select new clones for sequencing for failed sequences from Oct. 2
- Repeat Mini Prep of bovine alpha S1 and bone beta B yeast
- Repeat SDS Page-Gel for all the bovine proteins
- SDS Page-Gel for all the bovine casein inserts
- SDS Page-Gel for all the bovine proteins
- SDS Page-Gel for all the bovine proteins using micellar casein from Nutribio
- Safety
- Science
- Sequencing Analysis using Serial Cloner 2-6-1
- Service and reagent providers
- Shared Laboratory Notebook
- Similar projects
- Software
- Streaked new colonies of Bovine alpha S1 and Bovine beta B casein yeast transformations 03Nov2014
- Submitting 10 casein and FAM20C in pD1214 plasmids for sequencing 30Sep2014
- Submitting 4 repeat and 1 new casein in pD1214 plasmid for sequencing 10Oct2014
- Submitting FAM20C (Kex + & Kex -) for sequencing with new internal primers 14Oct2014
- Test yeast transformation Bovine alpha S1 and Bovine beta B caseins 26Oct2014
- Troubleshooting failed 12Sep2014 transformation of P.FAKS.humBeta.S
- Updates
- Vegan growth media
- Video
- Video/Purchase list
- Video conferencing
- Video recording
- Western Blot of bovine casein
- Working Groups
- Yeast Transformation
- Yeast Transformation (Clontech kit)
- Yeast Transformation of All Bovine Casein Inserts