IGEM team meeting nodes 6/16/14

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Attendees: Craig, Jamie, Ahnon, Patrik, Advait, Lou, Rachel, Rebecca, Wes, Ashley, Marc

is there a link to zoom?  --rebecca

Logistics: iGEM team list

Who's interested in contributing to which working group?

**General intro into the project**

**Update on Molecular Biology**

   * Needs:
           * Purification strategy
           * Progagation of yeast and bacterial vectors.
           * Cloning 
           * Screening assay (amplification of ampR)

           * **Schedule a Working Group meeting **

**Update on Crowdfunding campaign**
Met with Sam from East Bay Express who is writing his article for publication on Tuesday of next week. We need to assemble the Indiegogo Campaign.

Who is doing crowdfund these days???????? Deadline to launch IndieGogo is June 22nd.
We need a press packet for launch of IGg.

   * Rewards:  $1 -mailing list, group public cheese making class, private vegan Cheesemaking class in your house, Vegan Cheese Tasting, Vegan cheese of the month club($1-4k); make your own Vegan cheese kit ($5-10,000)

**Lou, ashley**

   * Media blitz. Get the story out, bring interest to the project.

           * **Schedule a working Group Meeting**
Acknowledgement of Support from:

   *     DNA2.0
       *   Waiting to hear from Teknova about reagent supply
Update on Budget

   * - Current Expenditures?
   * - 
**Future work day?**

    Cloning Strategy :(\url{https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v\&pid=forums\&srcid=MDQ3ODI0ODE4NDM3NTM4NjIyMzUBMDQ2NzU0NjgyMDc0MzQwNjQ5NjEBMDB3alltOGlnSklKATAuMQEBdjI)}