IGEM team meeting notes 4/21/14
iGEM planning 4/21/14 (copied from google docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wi2GV0_gS1eMfIRfp8WCTkkR5DFUve0BzrDy-dTALCE/edit?usp=sharing)
Constructs to attempt
DNA Source(s):
Narwahl - if available (UCSC?)
Pichia pastoris
Saccharomyces cerevesiae
kappa-casein: Craig, Patrik
beta-casein: Ahnon, Fran
- bovine seq: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/162804?report=genbank
- human mRNA seq: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/288097?report=genbank
(human) Science Overview (include genetic variants & related health issues): http://www.betacasein.org/index.php?p=science-overview
alpha-s1: Ashley
(alpha-s2): Bryce
casein kinase protein? May need it for efficient phosphorylation - Marc
- research genetic variants
- research health effects
- look up protein sequences - bovine + human
Craig will look into ordering from IDT -
CrowdTilt will end in 3 days - restart? Jing wants us to work more on the video:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AF6vuKMHD0N79nNXOBwLjNGvtJcxpqi5bg-RYE5m01s/edit
- need to do some storyboarding?
- What is goal for video length?
- Fran, Ahnon, Ashley, Marc
- Shotbox is a free online storyboarding tool, it looks useful but there may be better alternatives out there
“iGEM cheese project” shotbox file: http://beta.shotbox.se/stories/3082
Patrik: contact sponsors