IGEM team meeting notes 11/24/14
Meeting 11/24/14 at CCL
Zoom: Allen, Advait CCL: Craig, Ben, Rebecca, Patrik, Marc, Keith, Matt, Julianne BioCurious: Emi, Johan, Meenakshi, Nikola, Wesley and Andrew (doing experiments)
Project Overview (Marc) Science, Open source? Ben: ConAgra makes a vegan milkfat replacement
Experiment update and planning
Nobody from BioCurious online? Planning:
- plant DNA extraction - sugars and fats
Patenting progress
Waiting to hear back from Dmitri; Maria is drafting, talking to some patent lawyers
IndieGogo rewards updates
Any progress from anyone? Ben: 1st vegan cheese tasting December 8, with all the Bay Area donors (Republic of V has large selection of vegan cheeses)
Ben will take lead on purchasing
make sure to get some Beard Beer for Rogue Ales
Marc ordered stickers; should be here next week. Maria drafting thank you card to include Rebecca: coats at $14.55 Are there rewards where nobody else is bottomlining? Any more Ask a Biohacker requests? last 10 have not yet been solicited?
- CO2 calculations
- financial viability
- How are you different than Monsanto?
Need to get iGEM video and other materials up (Rebecca? Any updates?)Marc has video and permission to upload it (no attribution necessary); no video from tech museum Other stuff:
Hackathon with Tito on video portals between hackerspace Marc finishing the video camera documentation system Waiting to hear back from Todd Kuiken on ElSEI stuff
Update from Biocurious
Running SDS-PAGE for all of the bovine proteins. Using micellar casein from Nutrabio.