User:William Heath

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I was born in Los Gatos, CA. I was always playing with legos and learning new things. I could learn things quite quickly. I took a programming class in highschool and was the best in my class by far. I feel I have an unusual gift in understanding complex systems and thinking outside of the box. I have a passion for synthetic biology that might be unequaled. It is my belief that Synthetic biology is a sub branch of computer science. Cells and biology and possibly even the universe proper are actually computing machines implementing an expertly designed program created by God. The universe and all matter, physical laws, are specifically designed for the following:

  • Freedom of Choice (Often called Agency in the LDS church, of which I am a member)
  • The ability to progress/evolve
  • The ability to feel pain to allow for evolution
  • The ability to procreate

Some of my ideas are quite radical and would even challenge Alan Turing's theories and the fundamental theories of thermodynamics.

It is my belief that synthetic biology is at the earliest stages of understanding how computation can be achieved using biology that computer science was in during the 1950's. Combining my knowledge of computer science hardware and software will allow synthetic biology to accomplish its goals faster.


William G. Heath BCSE, MSCS, MBA