SDS Page-Gel for all the bovine proteins
SDS Page-Gel for all of the bovine proteins
Monday Nov 24th
SDS Page-Gel for all of the bovine proteins
Participants: Wesley, Meenakshi, Nikola, Johan
3B(100 fold diluted)
6B (100 fold diluted)
7 (100 fold diluted)
2B (100 fold diluted)
control 5FOA
transformed negative control
liquid culture
Bovine Beta B (8) - 20ml + 4ml loading dye
Bovine Alpha A (8) - 20ml + 4ml loading dye
Method: Get 3 colonies from each plates in 1 centrifuge tube + resuspend into 20ml distilled water For casein touch 1 20-2w microliter pipette tip and rinse with 20 microliter dionised water in 1 casein control tube One sample take 1 colony from SFOA (as a negative control) One sample from control yeast transform plate
To run the gel Take 20 microliter of sample and 4 microliter of loading dye Boil all the samples for 10 minutes Total amount of loading (1x) buffer we required 400 ml (10 ml of 10x L. Buffer into 90 ml distilled water)