IGEM team meeting nodes 7/14/14

From Real Vegan Cheese
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   * Call in information:
       * \url{https://zoom.us/j/744239720}    
       * Or, go to \url{https://zoom.us/join} and enter meeting ID: 820 128 495 (Eri's meeting room)

       * Weekly meeting:
       * \url{https://zoom.us/j/820128495}    Or, go to \url{https://zoom.us/join} and enter meeting ID: 820 128 495  
     Attendees:   (zoom): Rebecca, Advait, Lou, Ahnon, Craig, Ashley, Patrik, Wes (via zoom) 

I.  Intro/Go around
II. Report Backs on to-dos from last meeting

   * **Research Plan**
       * Cloning, verification, purification of proteins
       * \url{https://pad.riseup.net/p/realvegancheeseexperiments}
       * What, where, \& when is our next experiment? Should we sketch out expts week-by-week?
           * sequencing and SDS-page on kappa-casein
           * Time line: https
           * ://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NOPblWr9\_pIHMst0Nvy\_\_7J\_n97LNwEsz2ujtZ3yFBo/edit#gid=0
       * Need to order yeast asap - anyone with connections to a yeast lab, or ATCC account?

       * Discussion Notes:
       * how to remove \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ from caseins: alkaline phosphatase
               * requires alkaline conditions; bufer we use to do that may denature our pH-sensitive protein
                   * affects tertiary structure
                                          * reversible?
           * unphosphorylated kaseins --> micelles 

       * keep phosphorylation and resuspend in Ca2 buffer

       * purified caseins --> phosphorylated caseins --> 

       * solubalization of a casein: \url{http://www.google.com/patents/US4055555}

       * measurements of micelle formation
           * UV vis
           * protein powder

       * simplest cheese recipe: milk and lemon juice

       * cheese making should be occuring in parallel with cloning experiments 
           * waiting on yeast
           * ordered strain from Carolina --> should arrive in 1-2 days
           * Here's the ATCC strain we want to order: \url{http://www.atcc.org/Products/All/208280.aspx}
               * it's URA3-, and also has a protease deficient mutation, allowing beter expression of recombinant proteins

       * Stanford has largest yeast genetics program - 
           * contact anyone involved with yeast genetics or preferably the sacromyces genome database

       * UCSC iGEM meetup: \url{http://2014.igem.org/Meetups/August\_UCSC}

       * We have full alpha secretion factor from DNA 2.0

       * Kim paper used same signal sequence for both Saccharomyces and Pichia

       * next step: sequence the plasmid; we have 120 free sequence reactions; needs to be done
       * move on to synthesis

       * once we confirm the sequence, can design primers and PCR into whatever vector we want
           * can add in additional flanking sites conforming to iGEM standards (biobricks)
               * 5 genes total; possible to design a single/universal set of primers for all genes?

       * How do we decide what to order? How do we reach agreements about when and what to spend money on?
           * see google doc regarding ethics: \url{https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qKL4x7lOwG9geCdRng1m2FGfE\_\_aZs4gwUGZPIWxvEg/edit}

       * next experiments: SDS-PAGE and sequencing from clones from human kapa casein cloning (sups and cell lysates)

       * develop working groups for tackling experiments in parallel at different locations
           * want to avoid transporting reagents back and forth; need to double reagent purchase

           * human cloning started @ CCL, makes sense to keep human in Oakland and tackle bovine experiments @ BioC?

       * Eric wants nothing except plasmids to leave BioC; same goes for CCL

       * timeline for experiments; week-to-week schedule?

       * monthly BioC meetings as an earmark for progress planning

       * see google doc: Real Vegan Cheese Timeline

   * **Stretch Goals**
       * *Narwahl (first stretch goal) - Check in with UC Santa Cruz - follow up*
       * Sending folks to iGEM - what are requirements to go?
           * concern: prohibitive costs of iGEM jamboree conflicts with CCL/BioC/open-source values 
           * suggestion: alternate trip that jives with CCL/BioC ethics?
           * another perspective: iGEM jamboree is a valuable (conference-like) experience; how many people on RVC team feel they would benefit from attending but would be unable to raise funds for trip on their own?
       * Picchia pastoris
           * later in project
       * Bioreactor
           * later in project
       * Other equipment
           * particle-size analyzers
           * pH meter
           * small (20 L ) bioreactor; not industrial scale; useful for projects beyond vegan cheese

   * **Update for IndieGoGo**
           * Narwhal stretch goal + BioCoder - asap

   * Craig emailed KQED


   * **Contact Food not Bombs for fiscal sponsorship (Craig)**
       * Institute for the Future

   * **Ethical Team: Maria, Craig, Rebecca**
       * We are writing up a document using DIYbio guidelines for ethics, creating internal statements for each point that details how we go about fulfilling our ethics.
       * \url{https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qKL4x7lOwG9geCdRng1m2FGfE\_\_aZs4gwUGZPIWxvEg/edit}

   * -Cheesemaking
       * Process to make cheese, important factors on cheese coagulation, previous cheesemakign expriments?

**underlineCONSENSUS DECISION: Do a second fundraiser for those that want to go to iGEM.underline**

***TO DO (071414)***

   * 1. Yeast Strain - finish registration on ATCC (Credit refs)
   * 2. Next meeting at BioCurious: have a planned experiment ready for the meeting; contact Nicola to coordinate details
   * 3. Contact sequentech about sequencing reactions and primer design - 
   * 4. Modify experiment timeline google doc: add additional sheets to overall document, one for each month, to break monthly calendar schedule into a week-by-week schedule for precise tuning of progress